Commonly known as the ‘boob job’, breast enlargement surgery is our most commonly performed procedure for women and many patients report a boost in self confidence following the surgery. If you are unhappy with the size of your breasts, we advise that you book in for a consultation with one of our highly experienced cosmetic surgeons. During this consultation the surgeon will talk you through the procedure in detail, discuss the size and shape of breasts you wish to achieve and answer any questions you may have. At Bellissima Beauty Clinic, we use Mentor Breast Implants in the breast augmentation procedure, to give a natural look and feel no matter what size you choose. There are different ways to insert breast implants and the best way for you will be discussed in detail during your initial consultation.

Is Breast Enlargement right for me?

People choose to have Breast Enlargement for many different reasons. The procedure is most suitable for and most commonly performed on patients with small breasts, asymmetrical breasts or breasts that have lost volume or shape due to weight loss or pregnancy. There is no right or wrong reason to have the procedure but what’s essential for all patients is that you do thorough research and talk to your chosen cosmetic surgeon.

What does the procedure entail and how long does it take?

Breast Enlargement, also known as Breast Augmentation or a ‘boob job’, is a surgical procedure that must be carried out by a qualified, registered and highly-experienced cosmetic surgeon. The procedure usually takes between one and two hours to complete, is carried out under general anaesthetic and may require an overnight stay in hospital so that your progress can be monitored. Your cosmetic surgeon will begin by making small incisions in the natural crease underneath the breast, in the armpit or the underside of the nipple area. They will then insert the implant either behind or over the muscle and breast tissue to give a natural shape before closing the incisions with surgical sutures. Your surgeon will advise which position will deliver the best results for you. You can discuss the procedure in more detail with your cosmetic surgeon during your consultation.

Why might you choose breast augmentation surgery?

  • Increase your self-confidence and feeling of femininity
  • Be confident to wear the clothes, underwear and swimwear you love
  • Change the size, shape, position or firmness following pregnancy, weight loss or the natural ageing process
  • Achieve symmetrical breasts
  • Achieve a curvier figure

Will I be left with scars?

Surgical incisions are made in the most discreet places possible. This means that scarring is minimal and usually hidden in the armpit or under the natural creases of the breasts. Any scarring you are left with will fade over time until you are left with very faint marks that are barely noticeable.

What happens if I have an implant rupture?

We care about you and that’s why we use Mentor implants. We are completely confident in their high quality and very low rupture rate and that’s why they come with a Lifetime Replacement Policy for confirmed rupture. In this unlikely event, you will be entitled to free implant replacement regardless of the age of the implant.

What aftercare is available to me?

A high level of aftercare is crucial after any surgical procedure, that’s why you’ll only ever deal with qualified, caring professionals at Bellissima Beauty Clinic. From your first free consultation, to the dedicated check-ups following your procedure, you’ll have a committed nurse and surgeon team to guide you through. As our patient, we will do everything we can to ensure you have a full and speedy recovery. Before you leave the hospital you will be given full post-operative advice, as well as a phone number you can ring 24-hours a day if you have any questions or concerns. We pride ourselves on always being there to put your mind at ease in the weeks, months and years following Breast Enlargement surgery. We recommend that women with silicone gel-filled breast implants have an MRI three years after the procedure and every two years after that. It’s also important that you get into good habits straight away, by checking your breasts regularly for any changes in the shape, size or position of your implants.