About Male Chest Reduction

Many men – 40 to 60 per cent in fact – suffer from what are commonly known as “man boobs” or “moobs” (Gynaecomastia) and if you are one of those men, thankfully you no longer have to live with this excess fatty tissue that can be embarrassing and can knock body confidence. Male chest reduction surgery uses similar techniques to those used during liposuction or fat removal surgery, and the operation is quick and simple with a short recovery time. Male chest reduction surgery is becoming increasingly popular among men as more and more learn about the procedure and the positive impact it can have on self confidence.

Benefits of Male Chest Reduction Surgery

  • Increased self-confidence.
  • Increased self esteem.
  • The appearance of the chest is more flatter, firmer and better contoured.
  • Ability to have wider choice of clothes.
  • Feel more in proportion and less self conscious.
  • Gynaecomastia is a medical term that comes from the Greek words for ‘Women like breasts’ which is due to the abnormal increase in glandular tissue.

Facts about Male Chest Reduction Surgery

  • 40 to 60 percent of men suffer from “Man Boobs”.
  • This procedure is the second fastest growing procedure for men
  • The procedure normally takes 1- 2 hours to complete.
  • Go swimming or to the gym with more confidence.

The Procedure for Male Chest Reduction Surgery

  • The Surgeon will remove excess fat by making a small incision around the lower half of the nipple area and carrying out liposuction.
  • It is a day case procedure under local anesthetic.
  • The procedure normally takes 1- 2 hours to complete.

Is Male Chest Reduction Surgery right for me?


There are many reasons why people choose male chest reduction surgery:

  • Stubborn areas of fat that are resistant to diet and exercise
  • A disproportionate figure for instance with noticeable ‘breasts’ (Gynaeccomastia) giving rise to a lack of self confidence and embarrassment
  • Not able to go topless on summer holidays because of feeling self conscious
  • Rapid weight loss can cause a sagging of the skin across the chest making the breasts look more pronounced
  • Difficulty in buying clothes due to disproportion
  • Unwelcome comments from friends or work colleagues


The final decision will be made between you and your Cosmetic Surgeon. The procedure is most suitable for those patients with excess fatty tissue on their chest that exercise cannot remove. 

Things To Consider

It is important that your decision to have a Cosmetic Surgery procedure is considered carefully. There are many points that should be considered before deciding to have any type of Cosmetic Treatment or Surgery. 

There are also some possible risks, as with all surgical operations, which your Cosmetic Surgeon will talk through and explain to you at your consultation, answering any questions you may have. This is your opportunity to discuss your intended surgery in order that the Cosmetic Surgeon can ascertain your expectations as to what can realistically be achieved.

Every Cosmetic Surgeon who performs liposuction procedures for Bellissima Beauty Clinic belongs to a relevant professional organisation, is fully accredited to practice Plastic Surgery, and has specific training and experience in Aesthetic Plastic Surgery.

Our nurses advise you consider the following things before your surgery:

  • Child care and post surgery activities including sleeping arrangements
  • Have necessary post-operative garments
  • How long will the effects of treatment keep me away from my usual activities?
  • At what stage will I be able to judge the results of treatment?
  • How long do the results last?
  • When can I return to work?